Home » Writing Craft » My Weekend Pity Party

My Weekend Pity Party

posted in: Writing Craft 2
By: Markus Reinhardt

Going forward, unfortunately, involves going back. At least, that’s what I encountered this weekend on the “home stretch” of my middle grade novel. I succumbed to the “WILL THIS EVER BE DONE?” pity party on Saturday, and did not turn my computer on until Sunday afternoon.

I tidied up, and went to a symphony concert Saturday night. Sunday, I slept in, watched “Sunday Morning,” and enjoyed my breakfast of oatmeal, walnuts, and raspberries. I hung up a great sale deal I found on a clock for my guest room, framed a beautiful photo of Princess Diana that I’ve loved since I first saw it, and watched the first season of “Poldark.” It was a well-earned, well-deserved, and much-needed break.

And… now I’m back. I am ready to look at the comments from my writing coach/editor. Some of them affect the very first chapter of the story (hence, the “going back” part). I take all of her suggestions to heart, and will look at them with an eye that is focused on making my story the best that it can be (pity party officially over).

This is where the tricky part comes in. “The Mystery at Moz Hollow” is my story. Some comments/ suggestions I welcome – they make sense, and will make the story better. I will replace a sprained ankle for a bruise in the interest of moving the story forward (too many scenes with an ankle being iced are the problem). A bruise is more portable and doesn’t hinder my main character’s movement.

However, there are others that I will ponder and may/may not incorporate. This is my commitment, my work, my story, and I owe it to myself to keep it true to me, the storyteller.

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Author & Photographer

Anne K. Hawkinson was born in Duluth, Minnesota. She is an award-winning author and poet who travels with a notebook in one hand and a camera in the other. Website
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2 Responses

  1. Karen

    Just remember that “going back” is part of the journey and is actually a forward motion! ( That breakfast sounded yummy!)

    • Anne Hawkinson

      Thanks, Karen, for clarifying the motion! Sometimes, I wonder. And yes, the breakfast was yummy!

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