Writing Authentic Characters


You and I are not the same. Maybe our skin color doesn’t match. Maybe you are male, while I am female. Perhaps it is our political philosophy that differs, or our level of physical ability. Maybe our sexual orientations run along separate paths. None of this makes one of us better, or worse, than the other. In fact, our differences give us variety, individuality, uniqueness. Our differences make the world better. As writers it is vital that we not only … Read More »

Book Signings Catch Readers’ Attention


Why do you write? It’s a legit question, and the answer is no reflection on the writer’s ability or dedication. Some people write to create a family history – a legacy for future generations. Others write for their own pleasure. It’s a hobby, not a business. And then there are those who write to get the worlds they build into the minds of readers and, hopefully, make some money doing it. It’s a business, not a hobby. For those in … Read More »