Six Traits of Writing for Writers (Not Students)


The Six Traits of Writing, (or as they now say, The 6 + 1 Trait) is a staple for teachers and educators.  These are the research based components that go into a piece of quality writing.  The six things that braid together to produce that essay, story, poem, or narrative that works:  ideas, word choice, sentence fluency, organization, conventions, voice, and finally, presentation. Understanding these traits helps students to strengthen their writing skills and helps teachers mentor and coach students … Read More »

A Writer’s Village


I am an introvert. Yes, I love people, love social gatherings, and we entertain frequently. But being an introvert means that in order to recharge my energy, I seek out solitude and quiet; unlike extroverts, who recharge their energy reserves by being surrounded by people and activity. I am also a lone-wolf sort. I would rather work alone than with a group. I was that kid in school who hated group projects. I preferred do it all myself, so I … Read More »

Writing Styles: Sprinter vs Marathoner


What is your style of writing? I do not mean your genre of choice or your literary voice. I mean: How do you actually work best? While there are as many ways of working as there are writers, I believe there are two major categories into which all of these individual structures fit — sprinters and marathoners. Sprinters These are the writers who may have other jobs, or small children at home, or other responsibilities that make it impossible for … Read More »

Exceptional Writing


Exceptional writing. It is the level to which all of us aspire. We want our thoughts and ideas and words to inspire, move, and touch our readers. Exactly what does it take to reach that level of performance? A deep understanding of grammar and language?Vivid vocabulary? Writing classes to help understand the craft of writing? Creativity? While all of these things are critical to being successful as a writer, the easiest answer comes down to one word: practice. The more … Read More »

What Are Your Writing Commandments?


There is no shortage of advice for writers, and I must admit that I devour all such recommendations. I love reading about the writing habits and routines of best-selling authors. Sadly though, most of their advice and recommendations do not work for me. That is because, like many writers, I am not a full-time novelist. I do not pay my bills through my book royalties. I am a 25-year, elementary classroom teacher. I am also an adjunct professor at a … Read More »

Expert Readers: Scope and Limits


You have just finished the first draft of a novel.  While fictional, the setting and some events are historical and you want to get your details correct.  During the planning stage you did all your research. You outlined, read, checked sources, googled, and double checked.  Now it is time to call in the big guns! You need some expert readers to read for historical accuracy.  This is not the same as other types of readers and critiquing.  The revising, proofreading, … Read More »

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