Too many words? Summarize, Reduce, Combine


I have just deleted 40,000 words (my doing, not the computer’s), from my work in progress, whose length over the last phase of writing and editing, had spun out of control, edging close to 130,000 words. The book is now at 89,000 words – in the next round of writing and editing, its length cannot reach more than 90,000, not if I want a publishing house to look at it, me being a first time writer. It is a handy … Read More »

Five ways to restore the ‘Unwritten Word’


It was written. Or so I thought. I went to bed the night of Monday, Nov. 25, 2013, reveling in the satisfaction that I had completed a lengthy—and key—passage in my work in progress. I was satisfied I addressed everything that was necessary to the story, that I found the right words, devised the right ideas, and while editing was still needed, the meat of it was there. I could move on. The next day I talked up my triumph … Read More »