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RPLA Showcase: Patricia Crumpler

Unpublished Science Fiction Novel

Vivian Wexler, Galactic Detective

Patricia Crumpler

At the 2017 Royal Palm Literary Award Banquet, author Patricia Crumplert won First Place for her unpublished science fiction novel, Vivian Wexler, Galactic Detective. Each year at the RPLA Banquet, authors experience the joy of earning accolades for all the hard work that is often done in the privacy of the home with little to no recognition. We’re showcasing the best of the best with our First Place winners spotlight. Not only does RPLA recognize extraordinary talent, but we’re giving readers an opportunity to sample excerpts from the winning stories.

The Galaxy is on notice because Vivian Wexler has been promoted from Earth detective to Galactic Agent, and she’s on the prowl for wrongdoers of any species.

Patricia Crumpler is a retired art teacher and high school librarian who likes to paint, draw, sew, and write stories.

Click here to read an excerpt: Vivian Wexler

An Interview with Patricia:

Q. Where do you get your story ideas?

A. I get my ideas from so many places it is hard to pin the sources down. I read a lot of old magazines, like Ellery Queen and Galaxy. If I read a plot I love, I rework it with different characters and settings. I also make character sketches of people I know or knew.  For example, when I was in high school I knew a young man who has become a character in most of my work. He is one of my “Bisquick characters” meaning like the product, I can add characteristics to make him fit the needs of the story.  Sometimes ideas come to me when things are quiet, or in that time before sleep takes over. I keep a notepad by my bed and near me at all times for these instant inspirations.

Q. What would you like to share about your winning story?

A. I’ll start with Vivien Wexler, my galactic detective. I love mysteries, detective stories, Science Fiction, and romantic literature. I don’t exactly remember how I got the idea for Vivien, but I wrote the first part, a novella of 15,000 words in a weekend–keeper words, not just the rough draft. I really liked that character and decided to take her on different assignments so I expanded the work into a full novel. Sometimes the words just fly off the keyboard and when I reread them I don’t remember writing them. That’s when I sit for hours and don’t worry about time. Vivien Wexler is cool. I wish I could be her! I like her boyfriend, too–(remember the young man from high school? Yep! That’s him.)

Q. Who gets credit for inspiring you to write?

A. Edgar Rice Burroughs, Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Heinlein, Harlan Ellison, James Gunn, John Sandford, Louis Lamour, Walter Brooks, Robin Cook, Kathy Maxwell, Janet Evanovich, and those are just the tips of the iceberg. I’m a read-aholic! Authors who thrilled me as a teenager and carried me through adult hard times have taught and encouraged me. I hope I live long enough and get my work “out there” to help another potential writer.

Q. Do you have any tips for new writers?

Make an outline with an ending while the vision is fresh. You may never have to refer to it, but once the words have gone through your brain and out your fingers the story will be embedded and even if you change things, your memory owns the story. Then, WRITE IT!!! Good luck. I hope you have as much inspiration from other writers as I did.

You can visit Patricia at: www.carpewordum.com

Follow Veronica H. Hart:
Veronica Hart is FWA’s Regional Director for Volusia, Flagler, and Putnam counties. She is an award-winning published author of historical fiction, science fiction, and cozies. She studied Russian language and literature and participated in creative writing courses at SUNY and UCLA. Later she completed The Institute of Children's Literature course. She has written nine plays, an award-winning musical, and to date, eight published or soon-to-be-published novels. www.veronicahhart.com
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  1. sue

    Fun article and a good write-up. Keep up the great work! Vivian Wexler is an awesome character as are all of Paticia’s characters.

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