In Praise of a Rich Verbal Vocabulary


You don’t have to have read too many books to realize that breadth of vocabulary is a great attribute for a writer. It goes back to Flaubert’s idea of the mot juste—using just the right word. The mot juste We tend to think of adjectives here because they’re descriptors. To describe the house precisely, we need the right adjectives, correct? A cozy little house. An impressive house. A dirty, sagging house. But adjectives are only one of many parts of … Read More »

Writing That Dedication Page


The time has finally come to write the dedication page to the story you’ve sweat blood and tears over. Should be easy enough, right? Sometimes it seems that these little blurbs are harder to write than the book itself. Let’s toss around some ideas to help you get this important part of your book written. Who? Who should you dedicate your book to? Well, there are many answers, and they can be a lot of creative fun. You can dedicate … Read More »

Filling Your Characters with Emotion


One usually approaches this topic as “filling scenes with emotion” although, if you think about it, it’s people who experience emotion. If your characters are feeling it, then they’ll embue the whole scene with it. And, because of the wonderful faculty of compassion, readers will start to twang with the same emotional resonance. Where do you stand? The exact way we, the authors, will go about this depends on what point of view we’ve chosen. Is it omniscient third person? … Read More »

Deepening Character with Gesture


As humans we read signals all the time. If someone flips us the finger, we know that person is angry. If someone throws their arms wide and does a little dance, we know that the person is happy about something. We communicate every day without words. Gestures reveal so much about a character, and about a situation. Reveal is the important term here—reveal/show. It speaks to that old writing adage “show, don’t tell.” When we see certain gestures by characters … Read More »

The Charm Factor


I just read a charming book, and I’d like to be able to write one. But what exactly is charm? The word comes (from Latin by way of Middle French) from carmen, an incantation, and even today it can mean an enchantment, a magic spell. Yet we often also use it in a different, more secular sense to mean —I  quote the Oxford Dictionary here — “the power or quality of delighting, attracting, or fascinating others.” Although, with all due … Read More »

Naming Your Story Characters


When it’s time to name the characters in your story, where do you start? If you’re lucky, one or more may have already told you who they are. What about the rest? Some may be secondary characters or ones that are mentioned only once or twice, but they still need names so readers can picture them in their mind and identify with them. Let’s see what we can do about those blank spaces on your character roster. Personality Traits Take … Read More »

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