The Stimulation of Similes


I love a good simile. Who doesn’t? They shoot off fireworks in the mind—stimulating. And a good simile is a point of connection between an author and a reader. Similes and metaphors say: Look! I’ve noticed a connection between these two things. Do you? Similes add another layer of enjoyment when we read. So, what’s a simile? Both metaphors and similes make comparative connections. But let’s stick to similes for the moment. A simile is a comparison between two things … Read More »

Begin at the Beginning … Or Not


Since this is my first post for the FWA blog, it seemed appropriate that I talk about beginning a novel, or any piece of writing, really. Now, I’m not going to get into plotting vs. pantsing vs. plantsing. That will need its own post. So let’s assume that you’ve already done the planning work, in whichever way you do it, and you’ve already completed any research necessary to write your piece. Great! You’re all set to start writing, right? Hmm … Read More »

Secrets for Writing a Series


Our first book was never written with the intent of becoming part of a series, but the characters had other ideas. They weren’t done telling their story, so (for my part) I had to figure out a way to keep it all straight going forward. Along the way, I’ve seen other writers experience the challenges of writing a series, so I’m sharing some ideas that worked for me and might help others along the way. Who Stays and Who Goes? … Read More »

The Rumpelstiltskin Principle: Using Life as a Foundation for Art


Sales figures make it clear that memoirs are a huge genre today. But that’s not what I want to talk about by saying “using life as a foundation for art.” Poets already know this secret, so let me address myself to novelists. My topic is: don’t neglect to take the straw of your own life and spin it into fictional gold! What does that mean? Well, it can means incorporating in your novel things that have actually befallen you. They … Read More »

Five Factors for Mastering Fast Pacing in Action Scenes


It’s finally time for the big face off and your reader is at the edge of their seat. Having the correct pacing in action scenes is essential. Otherwise your big moment will flop and the worst thing will happen: Your reader will be disappointed. Gasp! There are several tricks to making sure your pacing is on point in this critical moment. Here are my top five tricks: Factor One: Time Manipulation The scene itself is usually only a matter of … Read More »

The Inevitable Low Point


There’s no getting around it. Every successful story has to have a low point – the place where it all goes wrong, and there’s little hope in sight. Is there any point in struggling on? Highly doubtful, probably not. It would be so much easier at this point to give up and let whatever is going to happen to your characters play itself out on the page. I give up! So your character says. So you might say. Low points … Read More »

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