Writers on Vacation


Even the most passionate, dedicated writer needs a break. Perhaps you’re in between projects, feel a bit bogged down by the process, or don’t have a clue where the plot of your story is headed. A vacation is a good way to step away from the writing process and give your mind a well-deserved respite. Trouble is, your brain may not be in total agreement. What then? Here are a few suggestions that will keep that creative brain happy while … Read More »



Deadlines. We all have them, and probably chafe in varying degrees when they approach. Work-related deadlines, bill-paying deadlines, and the days of the week that the trash needs to be set out at the curb (yeah, that’s a deadline, too). Some are more constrictive than others, and some we can ignore or procrastinate about a little longer before jumping in and getting things done. As a writer, deadlines take on a whole, new meaning. Agent/Publisher Deadlines If you’re working with … Read More »

Every Rejection Is a Badge of Honor


Rejections suck, no doubt about it. However, it’s what you do after getting rejected that can determine whether or not you will ever be a successful writer. So let me share my experiences. Remember, your reality will likely differ from mine. Everyone’s writing path is unique. But the takeaway message I’m trying to convey is “Don’t give up too soon.” Wasting Your Writing Years The first time I attempted to find an agent, I sent out about 90 queries. In … Read More »

Taking Advantage of the Community of Writers


We’ve just enjoyed the FWA Book Expo last month, and one of its most delightful aspects for me was the author interviews, in which I was privileged to take part. It was fascinating and affirming to hear other authors speak about their experiences and how they go about their writing! Thus I’d like to share a few reflections this month on the value of being part of the larger community of writers. I’ve spoken before about belonging to writers’ groups … Read More »

Practices and Tools for Being A Fit Writer


Are you comfortable when you write? Or do you have routine aches that distract you from writing? Six years ago, I began to examine more than just my writing abilities. I closely monitored my environment and the physical effects of my writing. Since then, these seven practices (or tools) have aided me in being a more capable (fit) writer. 1. Use a desktop computer more often than a laptop. Laptops are convenient, but they are not typically built for hours … Read More »

Worried That Your Writing Might Not Be Any Good?


My last post (Making It in the Middle) was on trying to figure out what it means to be successful as a writer. Now, I want to address the “is my writing any good” question. Most writers worry about that. Even very successful ones — some of whom left instructions to destroy their unpublished work after their deaths like Franz Kafka, Virgil and Harlan Ellison. Thank goodness, other minds prevailed. Good/Bad vs Acceptance/Rejection Sometimes we are so in love with … Read More »

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